Just DO(wnsize) IT! What a fall for Nike...

Get inside Today's Daily Dose....

Hey, guys. Welcome to the Daily Dose for Wednesday, July 10th. Hope you're enjoying this slow time of year and the summer. It's always nice to get some downtime, even time away from the NFL, which is my primary thing. I want to tell you to listen to the podcast this week. It's a really special one. I have two students of mine, my top students at Villanova Law, rising third year law students interview me. Everybody asks, you know, in the podcast, "Instead of you always interviewing someone, how about someone interview you?" And I thought my students. I've done this the past couple years during the summertime. Check it out, the Business of Sports this week, two of my students asking me about career, about how to get into sports, about life changing moments, about how I live my life now. I think you'll enjoy it.

 Today, I want to talk about Nike. I'm just sort of shocked by news out of Oregon that Nike is really suffering some financial consequences, and I'm not sure why, but we can talk about it

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