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  • NFL back in court today appealing the $14 billion Sunday Ticket verdict against them..

NFL back in court today appealing the $14 billion Sunday Ticket verdict against them..

Check out today's Daily Dose!

Hey guys, welcome to Wednesday, July 31st, the Daily Dose. NFL is back in training camps, but they're back in court today, too. I want to get you up to speed on that. We talked last month about this Sunday Ticket litigation, where plaintiffs were comprised of thousands of individuals and bars and restaurants suing the NFL on a case that started in 2015 about whether the NFL violated antitrust law. Basically, they're allowed through a Sports Broadcasting Act in 1961 to sell their games pooled - in other words, the Cowboys, the Giants, the Lions, the Packers, the Seahawks, everybody together, that's been allowed. That's not an antitrust violation.

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